FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 4.5 | Updated: 01/27/2025
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide


Appendix F: Random Trivia

A bunch of random trivia that don't fit anywhere else in the guide, mostly for archival purposes as well

Pre-Alpha Version at GDC

Extremely old, pre-alpha version of Phoenix 2 that was showcased in March 2015. This version of Phoenix 2 is non-playable. Featuring:

Phoenix 2 Old Game Preview Video


Phoenix 2 NEW Game Preview Video

Released around the time the Android version was first released. Featuring:

Exarch Ace Pilot in Phoenix 2

Corsair preview in Phoenix 2

The new Trinity ship in action

Introducing the Shogun for Phoenix II

Old Ship Card

Here's how an old ship card used to look like. Note how differently were the Invader affinities represented as well.

Operator Mian as Space Head

Operator Mian was referred to as Space Head in a test version before the NPCs were released in public versions.


Random early sketches of possibly Invaders

Pre-Alpha Testing of Lighting, Bloom, HDR & Color Testing

According to the devs, this clip was taken on April 2, 2015.

Old Tutorial Pop-up for Auras and Zens

Ship Select pop-up at possibly v1.0

Old Main Play Screen at v1.0

Old Ship Selection Screen at v1.0

Old Mission Select Screen

Old Mission Over Screen

Old Mission Debriefing Screen

Old Demotion Message

Old Level Up Screen

In the past, players are required to manually click on their pilot level on the main screen before they could receive their rewards.

Old Promotion to Rookie after Prologue

Old Specialist Mission Select Screen

v7.0 Main Menu Screens (Campaign and Daily Missions)

Placeholder image before Phoenix 2 was released

You could see that it was apparent that:

  • Xaniea was named Sentinel
  • Laser Storm was called Laser Satellites.
  • Gau Prime was called Sector YY.

However, the devs have clarified that the working names of these elements were never used at any point in development, thus, this was simply just a placeholder image with placeholder terms.

Daily S4 Mission #432

Extremely difficult S4 mission with only 3 clears.

Daily S4 Mission #891

The wave 5-1 was a Shielded Roc with 6 T4 tracking lasers , and the back row of turrets were all pellet MIRV Bloomers.

The 6 T4 tracking lasers were all de-synchronized after the first burst of lasers which made it extremely hard.

While Ion Cannon ships back then could easily stun the entire Roc with one Ion Cannon, Ion Cannon only stunned the Invader it hit. And then at 5-3, this impossible heavy and dense wave appeared which made it near impossible for Ion Cannon ships to survive.

That mission was the only mission where Yigothu got a Best of Best badge . Here were what the leaderboards looked like after that fateful day:

Daily Specialist S4 Mission #2237

An absurdly difficult Missile Swarm Ships specialist mission, which was on a Shielded Shuriken/MIRV(A) mission, with purely only a Full Offence (FO) ship selection. That day, only one player (that had 2 accounts) was able to clear the mission due to an absurdly difficult Roc at 5-2.

Phoenix 2 Soundtrack Inspiration

According to the dev, Turbo Killer was the "blueprint" / "inspiration" for the soundtrack. Or at least, the energy the soundtrack should deliver.
This became the creative direction for the composer. This was the direction for the initial soundtrack, Horns of Despair.

Phoenix 2 Conception

According to the dev, the conception of Phoenix 2 came about from the predecessor game, Phoenix HD. To quote, "we kept getting reviews and comments on Phoenix HD that it looked so good and the animations were so smooth, in like 2014 and 2015. So we were like, pssssh, we made this in 2010/2011, if we made it now we would make it 10x more epic."

The dev's performance goal was to have 10,000 particles on screen, since Phoenix HD only had around 1000 as maximum.